Caltech Women in Biology and Biological Engineering
Our Mission
The Caltech Women in Biology and Biological Engineering group (WiBBE) is a supportive community of women within the division that seeks to connect members across all stages in career and walks of life with resources for personal and professional growth. We achieve this by promoting professional development, mentorship, gender-related issue advocacy, and networking.
We use an inclusive definition of "woman" and "female" and we welcome trans women, genderqueer women and non-binary people. We believe in supporting the many intersections of our members' identities, such as (but not limited to) race, sexual orientation, gender expression, socioeconomic class, and immigrant/indigenous status.
We also host regular social events, to which all members of the Caltech community are invited!
Check out our twitter! @CaltechWiBBE
Upcoming Events
5/22 1:30pm DEI Informal Seminar "Human Rights of Women and Girls in China"
Hameetman 210